A little over 15 years ago, I began to pursue this cute little cross country runner that would soon captivate my heart. About two years later, God allowed me the responsibility of leading her. A short seven months later, we found out we were expecting our first child (God's timing, not ours). I was excited, she was terrified. She adjusted well to this alien-like life now living in our home, I did not. We, now of course, wouldn't change a thing. It is crystal clear to us that God knew we needed that child at that specific time. We are now parents of three warriors in the making. I am a multi-vocational pastor of a small church, own and operate a home remodeling business, officiate high school basketball and, obviously, now have an online business. The vision you are about to read is something that I am challenged by every day. I don't always succeed in the endeavor to lead well in my family, but it is absolutely my heart to do so. My hope with this business is to challenge you to lead well in your family and be encouraged to know you are NOT alone. Rise up and be the warrior for your family that God has purposed and called you to be! LEAD WELL!



We live in a culture that sees men not being what and who God intended for them to be. God gave me the challenge of "lead well" several years ago. The challenge of leading and doing it well is important in this world, because where there is strong male leadership there is strong society. In homes where men are fulfilling their God given roles, there is stability that doesn't exist otherwise. Lead Well is a brand, but one that is designed to call the warrior out of every man to fight for his family in this confusing and cruel world.


My favorite attire is a t-shirt, jeans and a cap. The name Lead Well should be a conversation starter in itself. The addition of one liners or challenges on the merchandise just helps that. The ultimate goal is to get conversations started about Biblical leadership in the home and what it needs to look like. The second goal is to inspire families to support this concept by sporting sharp looking merchandise.


I am really passionate about being the leader of my family, both spiritually and physically. It's a challenge every day that I have a conviction to achieve. So, the fact that I am passionate about it in my family and I see the importance of it in the world really excites me to engage men and women in this conversation.